NAV file relationships.
The category service is used to assign logical groupings to station resources, such as HVAC or lighting zones, user management, histories, etc.
Users should be assigned permissions to access the categories based on what type of user they are on what functions that they need access to.
• Permissions are broken down into two groups, operator and admin.
• Each group has three permissions which can be assigned. R = read, W = write, I = invoke. Operator permissions are indicated by lower case letters and admin permissions are indicated by upper case letters.
• Individuals with only operator permissions can still be given authority to command a point which normally requires admin permissions by modifying the config flags of the action on the points slot sheet to include the 'operator' flag.
• Checking the 'super user' option is a convenience for checking all permissions in all categories, but also provides access to the local file system through Workbench. Users with
'super user' status will see all of the available drives instead of just 'sysHome' when navigating
My File System in the nav sidebar.
A user who has permission to manage users will only see other users listed in the user manager view for categories which they have permissions.
The nav file is used to provide a customizable link structure for graphics viewing without having to utilize framesets and custom navigation trees. Each user can be assigned one nav file to their user account. The nav file is not meant to be a security mechanism, although it can be used to limit the available navigation options when using basic profiles. It is important to understand that it does not prevent an operator from manually typing the correct ord in the URL field of the browser to access
a resource which they are not intended to have access to. Do not use nav files to restrict a user's access to station resources, properly configure the categories and user permissions to do so.